It takes a community that cares to make good things happen here in Edmonton.
Check out what we value here. If you have an idea of how we can partner together, we would love to chat.

Co-creating mentorship programs with nonprofits like the Edmonton Heritage Council and Volunteer Alberta;
Co-hosting a non-partisan election night viewing party with Apathy is Boring; and
Volunteering our time for nonprofits in the city such as the Edmonton Food Bank.
Get in touch with us at connect@intervivos.ca to see how we can come together to make our city a better place through dialogue, engagement, and mentorship!
Current Initiatives
EDIA Statement
At interVivos, we cultivate leadership through dialogue, engagement, and mentorship. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) is at the heart of our organization. Our mentors, protégés, board members, and advisory council come from diverse backgrounds and experiences to bring unique skills and views to the organization. We recognize that EDIA needs to be integrated into our organizational strategy to continuously improve to provide our services and empower the Edmonton community. Our 2020-2023 strategic plan highlights the commitment to involve and incorporate new voices and perspectives within interVivos. As an organization committed to strategic growth, our aim is to further develop our already diverse organization. interVivos strives to be a welcoming space for all Edmontonians, no matter who you are. We recognize the changing economic and demographic landscape of the city and the need for EDIA to be an ongoing commitment. What is EDIA? Equity: Fair and just treatment of all members in a community. Diversity: The variety of unique dimensions, qualities, and characteristics, within a person, group, or community. Inclusion: The creation of an environment where everyone feels welcome, is treated with respect, and can fully participate Accessibility: Creating a community that enables everyone to participate fully. interVivos is in the process of incorporating EDIA into several aspects of our organization: > Internal processes > Social media and website accessibility > Program and event considerations
50-30 Challenge
We also recently joined the 50 – 30 Challenge because we firmly believe that equity, diversity, and inclusion are ethical and moral responsibilities and are necessary for a sustainable future. The 50 – 30 Challenge is an initiative between the Government of Canada, Canadian businesses and diversity organizations. The goal of the program is to challenge Canadian organizations to increase the representation and inclusion of diverse groups within their workplaces, while highlighting the benefits of giving all Canadians a seat at the table. The challenge asks that boards be made up of 50% women and non-binary people and 30% BIPOC, 2SLGTBQ+, people with disabilities, or other minority groups. We hope that our joining will inspire other local nonprofits to take part. For more information, about the 50-30 Challenge, visit: https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/ised/en/50-30-challenge-your-diversity-advantage
The Alberta Mentoring Partnership
The Alberta Mentoring Partnership (AMP) is a network of community mentoring agencies, government and youth working together to raise the profile of mentoring in Alberta. interVivos is a proud partner of AMP.