A protégé from the Spring 2017 mentorship program recently wrote for our blog about her experience at the pairing event. —–
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs

Spring 2017 Mentorship Program.
I’ve always been excited by the idea of having a mentor. I think it’s because I see “mentors” as successful people who have already connected their dots and have their lives figured out. Since I started working, I have struggled to find a satisfying career path while figuring out what “work-life balance” means to me. I thought a mentor would be someone who is keen to share their wisdom and help me navigate through the dots of my life.
The interVivos Mentorship Program came just in time for me. I signed up for the program hoping to get more grounded in the professional community in Edmonton. I also have a genuine interest in knowing more about the characteristics of successful, happy people.
Some highlights of the pairing event that took place in June 2017:
The pairing event was well organized. I got a detailed agenda and everyone’s bio a week before the event. For people like me who like to do their homework and know what they’re getting into, this was gold! Having the opportunity to read through the materials beforehand made me feel relaxed and prepared.
We skipped the greetings and cut to the chase. People knew what they were there for so there was no guessing and no hidden agendas. That for me cut out the possibility of dealing with awkward silences.
High quality mentors. interVivos recruited a roster of mentors who had rich and diverse experiences. Each mentor was open and humble. Each mentor carefully listened to me and wanted to help me with my career and my life. As the program only pairs protégés with one mentor, a couple of mentors offered to go for coffee and share their perspectives outside of the program.

Zoey Wang, Spring 2017 Mentorship Program.
After the pairing event, I felt empowered and more grounded because of the mentors’ “success stories.” Most of these people did not have their lives figured out at the beginning. Doors opened up for them when they were willing to try different things. I realized it’s okay to be confused and uncomfortable in my late 20’s. I just need to keep moving forward, ask for help when I need it and trust that the dots will connect.
Ziyun (Zoey) Wang has a Master of Resource and Environmental Management from Dalhousie University. She is currently working for the Government of Alberta as a Community Engagement Coordinator and she participated as a protégé in the interVivos Spring 2017 Mentorship Program.
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