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Many of us have asked our mentors for assistance on career paths, sensitive work situations, and how to stand out and get ahead, but sometimes mentorship matches can take us in unexpected directions. This was the case with interVivos mentor Lorephil Aguinaldo and protégé Bumo Mgabe. In late December, we chatted with them virtually about their unique experience.

Lorephil and Bumo were part of our Fall 2020 Mentorship Program which was our first mentorship program featuring volunteer mentors who were Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour (BIPOC). Both had a feeling right away that they were meant to be a match. Bumo said, “I could tell from our first interaction. We both had similar ambitions and shared a growth mindset”. Likewise, Lorephil agreed they shared a vision and that they “clicked right away”.

During their Zoom match meetings throughout the program, Bumo felt more comfortable sharing her professional and personal goals regarding her savings and finances. Lorephil encouraged her to get another job to pay off her car sooner. Bumo says Lorephil taught her “the value of laser focus and perseverance when achieving goals”. Meanwhile, as a mentor, Lorephil focused on the importance of listening to your protégé and truly understanding where they’re coming from before giving out advice. She believes this allowed her to help Bumo break down her goal and achieve it. Bumo and Lorephil found ways to get over the more minor obstacles standing in their way.

Both Bumo and Lorephil know that they have benefited greatly from their mentorship experience and encourage others to sign up for the next program.“Just do it; you never know what you’ll find,” affirms Lorephil. Bumo is once again a protégé in the Fall 2021 Mentorship program. She is working with her new mentor towards her next financial goal—saving for a house!

It’s no easy feat, but we have faith that Bumo can succeed in this plan—with a bit of help from her mentors, of course.

Follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter) or join our mailing list so you don’t miss your chance to register as a protégé for an upcoming program. We are also always looking for more volunteer mentors, so drop us a line at to find out more about how you can get involved.


Land Acknowledgement

interVivos acknowledges that we operate within traditional Treaty 6 Territory. We would like to honour all of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries. interVivos endeavours to continue in our efforts to develop a deeper understanding of the rich history, language, and culture of Indigenous peoples and the impact of reconciliation in our community.

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