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Our President’s Report at the 2024 Annual General Meeting

interVivos held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 25, 2024. Here is the report given by our President, Zohreh Saher. Questions? Email

Thank you for affording me the privilege to serve as your President. I extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for your contributions to the success of interVivos. Whether through volunteerism or advocacy, your support has been the driving force behind our achievements.

To those who continue to support the organization and to those attending their first interVivos AGM, welcome. As you know, our membership and this meeting are integral to maintaining our non-profit status in Alberta. This gathering stands as one of the most crucial meetings for every interVivos board member.

This past year has been remarkable, and I wish to begin by expressing my thanks. Thank you for your adaptability, for scheduling additional meetings, and for wholeheartedly embracing your volunteer roles amidst the increased demands of family and work life. Your personal commitment has not gone unnoticed.

Throughout the year, we successfully curated a mentorship program, organized a community engagement event, developed internal tools, collaborated with other nonprofits, and recruited new board members.  These are just a few highlights of our accomplishments. 

I want to extend special thanks to Nikki for ensuring interVivos' financial strength and for her efforts in revamping our internal financial processes and reporting. Finally, after a long wait, we now have a budget in place. Fea, your dedication to maintaining smooth administrative processes and spearheading a successful board recruitment campaign has been invaluable. Suparna, thank you for your behind-the-scenes contributions to our communications tasks. Charvi, your diligent efforts to enhance our capacity and amplify diverse voices, along with your work on the social media strategy, have been commendable. Your presence will be sorely missed.

With both gratitude and sadness, I acknowledge Bianca and Sarah for their invaluable contributions to our team. Bianca, your steadfast support over the past five years, from intern to board member, has been unwavering, especially during the challenges of the pandemic.  Sarah, your consistent dedication, even in the face of a time crunch, has been truly remarkable.  We will miss you both immensely, but your impact will endure.

I am thrilled to welcome our two new board members, Navneet and Kareema. I look forward to collaborating with both of you to enhance our capacity and diversify our perspectives. As we navigate through 2024, non-profit organizations like ours confront the formidable challenge of operating in an environment overshadowed by inflation. Rising costs, coupled with potential declines in disposable income, pose significant hurdles, particularly for those with lean budgets.

These economic pressures will compel us to reassess our strategies to maintain financial stability and continue delivering impactful events and programs. We  also must tackle the risk of declining donations in 2024. To counteract this trend, we must diversify our fundraising channels, engage different donors, and prioritize transparency to maximize donations.

Despite these challenges, I am humbled and inspired by the collective efforts of each of you. Together, we have demonstrated the power of hard work, solidarity, and resilience. As we embark on the journey ahead, let us do so with renewed vigor and a shared commitment to making a positive impact in our community.


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