On the one year anniversary of our event, A Provincial Affair, we decided to look back at the event and its impact on attendees.
interVivos’ Provincial Election event, A Provincial Affair, was a sell out in April 2019.
We welcomed a diverse crowd of attendees, all of whom share a passion for political action in our community. We were also fortunate to have many first time attendees, including Derek Volker.
Derek was the first person to register for the event. We caught up with him to ask for his thoughts on the event; this is what Derek had to say:
Q: This was your first time attending an interVivos event, and you were the first to register. What prompted you to attend the event?
A: An invitation from a board member and also an awareness of events from following interVivos social media.
Q: What do you think is the most important political issue facing Albertans?
A: I think the topics selected at the event were a good representation of the important issues.
Q: How can others get engaged in the democratic process, and what can we all do to encourage others?
A: Write your MLA or elected official, follow the democratic process in the news, watch Assembly feeds online (including bill debate and not just Question Period), and join an advocacy campaign for an issue you are passionate about. Having conversations is critical, even if just high level. Politics shouldn’t always be avoided as a topic of conversation. That can lead to further polarization and/or lack of engagement if there are never discussions about it. Respectful conversations can be both informative and engaging.
Q: This was your first time at an interVivos event. What did you think?
A: The event was well planned and had good discussions with varying perspectives. I’m looking forward to attending other events in the future.
Q: What was your biggest take away from the event?

A: That there are a lot of people who want to engage in policy discussions on matters that may not be the top ballot issues at any given time, but are still important to discuss and for people to be aware of. I.e. getting past the rhetoric of politics and into real policy discussions/debates.
Next up for interVivos is our Summer 2020 Mentorship Program launch that will take place virtually on July 14, 2020! Stay tuned for more information and make sure to check our events page often.
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